Wednesday, August 11, 2010


When I was in 7th grade, we were tasked with writing a biography about a member of our family. I wrote about my mom. I remember afterwards my teacher pulled me aside and told me, it was one of the most interesting stories he had ever read. Years later, as I move into my 30s and looking for something to inspire me, I decided it was time to revisit this and research and write about my family and where they come from. I decided to write a book based on my family's journey from China to Cuba and to the United States.

I'm still in the early researching stage, but I'm feeling an itch to write and based on all the tips I've read about getting started, they all say to write every day. So I've decided to write my first blog ever and share my process, as I uncover the stories and reflect back on growing up in a house that celebrated both 3 Kings Day & Chinese New Year, where we spoke our own language - a mix of Chinese, Spanish & English and enjoyed fusion Cuban-Chinese food, before fusion was even popular.

Welcome to my journey. May it inspire you the way my family's stories have inspired me.

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